With a tight script and good planning, the RNC was a good
opportunity for Mitt Romney to humanize his robotic persona to make himself
likeable, but what took place may be a harbinger of things to come
The RNC started with an attack on Ron Paul’s Maine delegates
.Ron Paul the sole GOP primary candidate not to bow out of the race, endorse
Romney or release his delegates sought to have his name thrown into the ring
for the nomination even though he did not have anywhere the number of delegates
to be successful. Paul did not win a
single state during the primary; however his ardent supporters worked arcane
local and state party rules to take over several state delegations, including
20 of Maine’s 24 delegates. The RNC‘s delegate seating committee blocked his
supporters from putting Paul’s name in for the nomination. They replaced 10 of
Paul’s Maine delegates, preventing the state from submitting Paul’s name for
the nomination. The Governor of Maine a Romney supporter decided to boycott the
convention. Paul’s supporters angrily
walked out of the convention hall to the jeers of the Romney supporters. During the roll call of the states, several
states listed votes for both Romney and Paul, but when the count was repeated
back, officials at the podium cited only the Romney votes. A Nevada Paul supporter stated “this is just the same as Hitler; there is nothing American about what just happened. This is the death of the Republican Party.”
The theme for the
first day of the convention, “We Built It”, was based on an intentionally wrong
interpretation of a speech by President Obama in which he essentially said that
businesses were not built solely by an individual, that it also required the
help of infrastructure like roads and bridges. Even Mitt Romney should realize
that the success of the 2002 Winter Olympics required the contribution of $1.5
million dollars of American Tax payer money, and that he did not do it, all by
The second day’s theme, “We Can Change It”, was just as
innocuous. Paul Ryan gave his same old stump speech misrepresenting the facts
regarding the Obama administration’s $ 716 billion transfer of funds which was used to extend the Affordable care
Act to 2024. He failed to reveal that his own budget called for a transfer of
these same funds but the purpose is to reduce the deficit caused by his
extension of the tax cuts for the rich.
Ryan also raised a fictitious issue by saying that President
Obama was somehow responsible for the closure of the GM parts plant in
Janesville Wisconsin, knowing full well that the closure took place under
President Bush’s watch in December 2008.
Ryan also critized
the Stimulus, saying it raised the deficit, was not helpful and a waste of tax
payer money, neglecting to say that he asked for and received 20 million of the
stimulus money for his own district.Ryan’s statement,”the truest measure of any society is how it treats those who cannot defend or care for themselves” is hypocritical in that he has received criticism in a letter from the United States Conference of Bishops and from the faculty and administrators of Georgetown University Georgetown University, for writing a budget “which disproportionately cut programs that "serve poor and vulnerable people." His budget was criticized for dismantling government programs and abandon the poor to their own devices." The letter goes on to say that Catholic teaching “demands that higher levels of government provide help---"subsidium"--when communities and local governments face problems beyond their means to address, such as economic crisis, high unemployment, endemic poverty and hunger." The letter criticizes Ryan for his attempts at "gutting government programs” and states that “Ryan is profoundly misreading church teachings." A statement issued by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops criticized the Ryan budget in similar terms. Knowing that he has received this criticism, Ryan evidently did not hesitate to make this statement about the true measure of a society, believing that no would notice his inconsistency and hypocrisy.
Who scheduled Chris Christie, Governor of New Jersey to
speak after Ann Romney? She left the room, warm and content with her heart
rendering stories about Mitt the saint and Christie displaced it with his anger
and resentment, speaking primarily about himself, and New Jersey, neglecting to
mention the Mittster. Evidently he is
planning to run in 2016.
The third day’s theme, “We Believe in America”, is an insult
to all Americans. Who doesn’t believe in
Romney’s criticism of
President Obama’s statement that he would slow the rise of the ocean waters and
heal the planet, and that he instead, would help the American Family, was again
taken out of context
On June 3, after
obtaining the necessary delegates to garner the Democratic nomination President
Obama made a speech in which he concluded saying,” America, this is our moment.
This is our time. Our time to turn the page on the policies of the past. Our time to bring new energy and new ideas to
the challenges we face. Our time to offer a new direction for the country we
love. The Journey will be difficult. The road will be long. I face this
challenge with profound humility, and knowledge of my own limitations. But I
can also face it with limitless faith in the capacity of the American people.
Because if we are willing to work for it , and fight for it, and believe in it , then I am absolutely certain
that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the
moment when we began to provide care for
the sick, and good jobs for the jobless;
this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our
planet began to heal; This was the moment
when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last best hope on earth.
This was our moment-this was the time –when we came together to remake this
great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves and our highest
The Mittster’s response to this, the “he would help the
American Family” demonstrates his lack
of understanding of poetic license in that President Obama was saying he would
help the American family and this great country in every way possible.
Mitt’s failure to recognize this maybe the result of his
rigidity, his tunnel like vision where he believes that only he has the
answers. The nuance of the concept.
“this is the moment” went over his head. I wouldn’t doubt it if he flunked
English Lit 101, he clearly failed to understand what President Obama was saying.
Clint Eastwood’s performance needs no review, he hammered
President Obama, for the war in Afghanistan, saying oh you didn’t bother to call
and ask the Russians about their 10 year war in Afghanistan?
Clint it was George
W. Bush and Dick Chaney who started the war in Afghanistan. Clint questioned
why is necessary to be a lawyer to be president, forgetting that the Mittster
was also a law school grad.
What does need to be reviewed about Clint is who arrange for
Clint to be there in the first place and allowed him to perform an unscripted
standup open mike routine without vetting his material. You’re good at firing
people, Mitt. Do your duty.
The remainder of Mitt speech was a takeoff on a Jeff
Foxworthy routine, “You know you’re a rich redneck when you have two broken washing
machines on your porch and three wrecked cars in your front yard, but not as
good as this joke.
Mitt almost shed crocodile
tears when he said “I wished the president had succeeded because I want America
to succeed. Grover Norquist, Mitch McConnell both said that their priority was
to make President Obama a one term president. A 100 days into his term, Hannity
was playing the music for the Omen as he reviewed the inauguration.
On March 2, 2009 Bill O’Reilly said “Obama’s vision has not
worked at all, of course it has only been 6 weeks, 42 days to fix the broken
El Rushbo took some heat when he said on January 28, 2009,
that he did not want the president to succeed. Romney was asked for his opinion
and he said, “Rush Limbaugh is partially right, we don’t want failed policies
to succeed.” El Rushbo and the Mittster
wanted President Obama to reverse 8 years of Bush’s disastrous administration
in 8 days.
So hypocrisy is
rampant on this Romney/ Mini Mitt team.Mitt dared to ask the question, “are you better off now then you were 4 years ago?” and the answer is damm right, of course we are!
Four years ago, Wall
Street and banks were teetering on collapse, the U.S. auto industry, Chrysler
and General Motors were in danger of bankruptcy, the nation was hemorrhaging
575 thousand jobs a month and 32 million citizens were without health care coverage.
Two wars were raging.
Since then
unemployment has been reduced, and unemployment benefits were extended, Wall
Street reform was passed, the auto industry bailout that Romney was against,
has revitalized the auto industry, the war in Iraq has ended and the affordable
Health Care act was passed; Equal pay for women was protected by the Lily Ledbetter Act, stem cell research was
funded, fuel efficiency standards are doubling, the first Latina Supreme Court Justice
was appointed, Libya was liberated, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was eliminated and Osama
Bin Laden is dead, to name just a few of the many accomplishments by the Obama Administrations is why we are better off now than
four years ago, when 8 years of the Bush
Republican Administration left the country in shambles with a 1.4 trillion
dollar deficit and a the most severe downturn in the economy since the great depression.
Mitt once again failed to mention any specifics as how he
would do better, he said that he would create 15 million jobs but he did not
say how he would create them. He failed to mention the ongoing war in
Afghanistan or the military but to his way of thinking, those are just minor
issues and blanks can be filled in later. In trying to explain why he failed to mention Afghanistan in his RNC speech he said that he had spoken about Afghanistan and his policy the day before in a speech to the American Legion. A review of that speech has the Mittster saying, We are still in a war in Afghanistan. Our men and women in uniform remain in defense of our country. It was just one simple sentence, with no mention of any policy. Mitt has to be aware that every word he says is captured on tape and he can not extricate himself from a lie by telling another lie. In his speech at the RNC he managed to say that his dad was born in Mexico and that his dad's family had to flee Mexico during the Mexican revolution. He thought that this was something he needed to say but somehow did not think to mention Afghanistan?
Mitt has not yet released his income tax return for 2011 and is afraid to reveal taxes for any other years. He thought that he was helping his cause by saying that he has consistently paid at least 13.5 per cent in taxes for the previous five years. If he admits to this, it's easy to understand why he may be afraid to release his taxes. If he can’t trust the American Public, why should the American public trust him?
Mitt has not yet released his income tax return for 2011 and is afraid to reveal taxes for any other years. He thought that he was helping his cause by saying that he has consistently paid at least 13.5 per cent in taxes for the previous five years. If he admits to this, it's easy to understand why he may be afraid to release his taxes. If he can’t trust the American Public, why should the American public trust him?
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