The chant “Fired up, Ready to
go!” comes from a campaign trip President Obama made in his 2008 campaign to
Greenwood, North Carolina a small town in the middle of nowhere. After an hour
and a half drive over country roads the president arrived at the town community
center. It was raining, his umbrella quickly collapsed and he was wet and cold
as he walked into the building and found twenty people waiting for him. Twenty
people after an hour and a half trip. He was disappointed, they seemed
disappointed and soon thereafter a lone voice started the chant, Fired up.
Ready to go, and kept repeating it. The crowd (twenty people) quickly joined
in. President Obama also joined in while
thinking they stole my thunder. This has been his chant and credo since then.
What more can get you fired up,
ready to go than an attack on “Big Bird?” Even with the president being
extremely low key during his first debate, the Mittster could not resist
stepping in it once again. He said that he would reduce the deficit by
cancelling public television, including “Big Bird.” That alone should once again, be an
indication of how out of touch Mitt Romney is. The mittster if he had any
sense should have known that to announce
that he planned to get rid of Big Bird would not go over well and could not
stop himself from saying so.
The budget for PBS is 450 Million
dollars a year, which amounts to about 6 hours of defense spending. The
Mittster is a big thinker.
This plus his outright lies. In
the past I had referred to his lies as misrepresentations but after repeated
“misrepresentations” they should now be labeled what they are, outright,
unmitigated lies. You can’t even use an “Etch a Sketch”, moment anymore; in
fact the term Romney may soon take the place of the adjective, Etch a Sketch
Moment, so that it will just be labeled as a Romney.
The Mittmeister has had so many
do over’s, or never minds that it is hard to keep track of them and most of his
followers believe they are hearing what he is saying for the first time
At one time he said he was for
Planned Parenthood and suggested that he would support Row v. Wade since it was
the law of the land. But some months later he said that if elected he would
appoint conservative Supreme Court justices he hoped would overthrow Roe v
Wade. This past week on October 9th,
he said that he would not pursue any abortion-related legislation if elected president,
“there’s no legislation with regards to abortion that I am familiar with that
would become part of my agenda.” Does
this sound like a credible statement, especially with his running mate, Paul
Ryan who has sponsored 38 Anti- Abortion bills. Several hours later the Mittster’s
support staff put out a press release saying Governor Romney is proudly pro life
and would be a pro life President.
In that infamous Boca Raton video
he said that he would not work towards an Israeli-Palestinian agreement because
Palestine was not interested in peace and he would only deal with the issue if
it came up. In his foreign policy speech this week he said he would be working
towards a settlement between Israel and Palestine. It’s as if you can never
count on any of his statements being the final word on the subject. You can usually expect a correction to be
forthcoming from his support staff.
In that same infamous speech in
Boca Raton he said 47% of the population pay no federal income tax, believe
they are victims entitled to government aid, so it’s not his job to care about
them. They will vote for President Obama
and there is nothing he can do about it and will not worry about them because
they are not responsible for their own well being. When the video was revealed by Mother Jones
Magazine on September 17, 2012, Romney’s first statement was that he stood by
his comments but that they were inelegantly stated. He told Hannity on October 4, 2012, “well
clearly in a campaign with hundreds if not thousands of speeches and questions
and answers, now and then you’re going to say something that doesn’t come out
right. “In this case I said something that was just completely wrong.”
Just completely wrong is stating
it mildly and it was not just a slip of the tongue, as the campaign now seeks
to portray it. The Mittster stepped in it, with both feet, giving a complete explanation
of what he thought about those less fortunate than him. He is now back tracking and saying that he is
concerned with 100% of the population, because he has been told that some of
the 47%’s who are relying on social security to support themselves, are Republican
seniors who were his supporters.
The Mittster touts his ability to
be bipartisan and argues that his role as governor of Massachusetts, a blue
state is proof of his ability to work with both parties. Once again Mitt exaggerates
his one term as governor. He has been described as believing himself to be
imperious such as when he called legislative leaders into discuss the budget
crisis his sense was “I have been elected governor, I am the CEO here, and you
are guys are the board of directors and you monitor the implementation of what
I say.” To say he had bipartisan support while governor is a far stretch from
the truth. The Mittster vetoed 800 pieces of legislation most of which, the
Democratic legislature overrode.
The New York Times reported on
October 14, 2012, that during his one four year term in office as governor of Massachusetts,
the Mittster cumulatively spent part or all of 417 days out of the state. More
than 70 % of this time was spent according to a review of his schedule on
personal or political trips unrelated to his job. The citizens of Massachusetts now view Mitt as
a phony who sought the governorship only as a stepping stone in his pursuit of
the presidency. That maybe a reason why he is more than 20% behind in the polls
and is not contesting the state.
The Mittster makes outlandish
statements not realizing or caring that fact checkers are out there attempting
to verify his every utterance and he has kept them extremely busy. He takes
credit for Massachusetts having the best schools in the nation while governor. Massachusetts
had had excellent schools for a decade before the Mittster became governor and
have continued to have excellent schools since he left the governorship. The
school system receives state aid under a law called Chapter 70. Romney budgeted
more chapter 70 money then the legislature agreed on. Mitt’s plan would have robbed Peter to pay
Paul, cutting other state aid to municipalities to fund his largess to
This is what he plans with
Obamacare. He would repeal it and use the funds to pay down the deficit caused
by his 20% overall tax cuts for the wealthy. The repeal of Obamacare would add
add 109 billion to the deficit.
When the Miitster reverses his position
he doesn’t explain his earlier statements and makes it appear that this is the
first statement on the issue and is able to do this with a straight face
without any apologies. It’s as if he believes his audience was not aware of his
prior statements or positions. His stone
cold ability to do this without guilt or conscious borders on a socio-pathic
personality. Amazingly enough, his
supporters accept whatever he says without questioning him. They support him in lock step, not
necessarily because they endorse his philosophy but because of their dislike
for the president. If the mittster was to suddenly sprout horns and a tail, his
supporters would not bat an eye and say, we can always cut them off later.
The Mittster is in charge of his
own campaign and the campaign reveals only what he intends to do in order to
win, not what he will do once he’s won. In
the midst of the world’s economic and foreign affairs crisis, can we afford to
entrust the office of the presidency to an imperious candidate who can’t be
trusted to keep his word?
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