In a decisive victory President Obama was re-elected as the 44th President of the United States. Many thought that as a result of the ongoing economic crisis, the election was there for the taking by the Republican Party and their nominee Mitt Romney. This might have been possible but for his flawed character, disingenuousness, insincerity, untrustworthiness, flip flopping and his Etch a Sketch mentality to mention some of his best points, and Mitt snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, to coin a trite phrase. Three million Republicans failed to vote for their party’s flag bearer, which says a great deal about the Mittster.
President Obama lost only one of the 9 battleground states, (North Carolina) that he needed to win. Polls showed that the electorate felt that he was more in touch with the people 53% to the Mittsters’ 43%.
Who can forget Mitt’s disastrous European trip where he sought to spot light his foreign policy experience when he slighted his host, Great Britain by questioning their readiness for the Olympics.
The Sunlight Foundation reviewed Karl Rove’s campaign and his super PACS, American Crossroads and Crossroads GPS and found that of the $350 Million dollars spent they had a 1% success rate in unseating targeted candidates. Imagine of the $350 Million dollars collected, less than 1% went to a successful campaign in Nevada. President Obama’s re-election is a victory for the 47% and a solid defeat of the super PACS! Money and negative advertising cannot surpass boots on the ground and it was volunteer foot soldiers in Denver, Colorado like 80 year old Bertha Gallegos who spent hours on the phones extolling Latinos to get out and vote and 70 year old Antonio Esquibel, a retired college professor who personally registered 700 people who voted for the president, using the 47% comments as motivation. Colorado was a battleground state and Latino volunteers were successful in delivering this state into the democratic fold.
During the final two weekends before the election, over 200 volunteers who were a microcosm of the America. Young, old, male, female, Latino, Asian and African American manned a phone bank in Mission Viejo, California placing calls to Nevada, Iowa, Colorado, Ohio and Pennsylvania, energizing the Democratic electorate to vote. This was duplicated by 2500 other phone banks throughout the country, all volunteers who strongly supported the president’s values. Money cannot buy this dedication!
The Republican Party pundits were in denial about the results of the election and who can blame them. Fox News has repeatedly provided them with misinformation which they greedily accepted without question. Fox News denied the unemployment reports showing a drop to 7.8, saying the figures could be skewed; they denied the polls which gave the president any type of lead in the battleground states, they quickly endorsed the Gallup repeated polls that the Mittster lead by 5 points among “likely voters” which is a meaningless poll. The president was called un-American and lazy and Mitt did nothing to prevent the continuance of the negative statements, because they were readily accepted by Romney’s supporters.
There was a very noticeable difference in the makeup of both candidate's crowds with the Mittster’s crowds being very homogenized and the president’s crowds being very diverse.
The Fox News faithful however have swallowed this misrepresentation of the Benghazi tragedy to the extent that some have started calling for the president’s impeachment.
This same group of mislead individuals do not attribute the economic stagnation to President George W. Bush’s policies. They are in denial that George W took office with a balanced budget and a surplus in the treasury and left office after 8 years with two raging wars, the economy in a severe depression and a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit. They blamed the economic crisis on President Obama and do not recognize that he averted a complete collapse of the economy by the actions he was forced to take such as the stimulus bills and the bail out of the auto industry. They do not accept that the country is better off now than when the president first took office because all of this information has not been part of the Fox News format.
Donald Trump (they say that repeated use of hair dye can impair cognitive reasoning) tweeted, “this election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a democracy”. Not content to stop before he proved himself a complete idiot, he tweeted “we can’t let this happen we should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided”. He continued to tweet “let’s fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice. The world is laughing at us.” (at us, well maybe at him),Finally to let us know beyond a doubt that he was slightly disappointed he tweeted, “he lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country”
Bill O’Reilly complained that the white establishment is now the minority. He said that 50% of the electorate supported President Obama because they want “stuff” He gives them ‘Stuff”
Dick Morris who had predicted a Romney electoral landslide was at a loss to explain the results except to say that he used the 2004 turnout believing that the coalition of voters that turned out in 2008 was a onetime thing.
The president however will need support from the electorate to make this happen. The battle has just begun! The president said he had the pen ready to sign the bills and called for the immediate extension of the cuts for the middle class. This is not likely to happen, however because if the house submitted this bill the only remaining issue would be extending the tax cuts for the rich and it would put the Republican party in bad light to hold out for this.
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